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Smart Medicine Box

Many people are content with traditional pill boxes to keep track of their medications and some sort of reminder system to remind them when to take them. However, there are times when something more sophisticated is required.

  • People may have difficulty sticking to their doctor's medication regimen if they have complicated medication regimens, take a lot of pills, or develop physical or cognitive conditions.

  • They may find it an increasingly tedious task to "stay on top of their meds"; or

  • Someone whose job it is to carefully sort multiple pills into pill box compartments each week may begin to have difficulty doing so — or may simply find it tedious.

When one of these things happens, it may be time to consider one of a family of more complex tools to help with taking the right medication at the right time. We call this family of products "Smart Medicine Dispenser". There are so many objectives of this medicine dispenser.

System Circuit Diagram

Screenshot 2021-11-07 161434.png

Hardware Implementation


Here you can find the code

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